October Newsletter

I’m finally back from overseas and have successfully moved house temporarily 😝 😬

Gosh that was a stressful time that I’m in no hurry to repeat..! But …once our house is built we will indeed be moving one more time…! I am settled in my much smaller workroom, and have started painting again which is such a good feeling! I am also awaiting quite a few new blank kits ….yay!

Chemar Silicone Dolls by Cheryl Martin

Keep an eye on my “Cheryl Babies” group for photos as they arrive in slowly but surely…

I have so many new kits on order. See my “kits available for custom“ section on the website for details. To name a few, Alix girl sleeper by Severine Piret(very limited full body silicone), Payten(boy) by Rachelle Farrell, Brianna open eye girl by Yophi babies and I will be getting Maisyn also an open eye girl(big girl) by Andrea Arcello.. But.. Let’s not forget newborn sleeper Olivia by Elena Westbrook! I will be painting one of the prototypes of this amazingly gorgeous newborn sculpt by Elena Westbrook – such an honour and privilege ♥️

I’m also currently preparing for the West Australia Reborn doll show in Perth in November, and hope to have some minis and a partial or two perhaps on offer. As the Warmer spring weather approaches here, I look forward to enjoying some beach time too – till next time, thank you for supporting my art, and please stay safe and take care.

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